
Last year I tried to participate in a MOOC run by George Siemens, Dave Cormier, and Stephen Downes, and failed miserably. I didn’t do the work, and I didn’t make the time.

This time around I’m hoping to engage more often with the #etmooc community and content. I won’t pretend to think that I’m going to attend every session or delve into every content segment, but, a girl can dream.

About me: I’m an elementary school principal, this is my fifth year in that role, although currently I’m home spending time with my son who was born in November. I’m also our district’s elementary technology integrator, which is more of an informal role because I have to find the time to incorporate those leadership tasks amongst my principal’s workload, which is tough. I’m from a town about an hour outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I’ve been a “connected educator,” let’s call it, for the past three years or so. I’m active on Twitter @l_hilt and I blog here. I’ve formed a pretty professional solid network through my participation in online spaces, and I’m also happy to say I’ve formed a lot of wonderful friendships as well.   

I’m going to forgo the video introduction because as the mother of a 2-month old, there isn’t enough video editing on Earth to make these bags under my eyes disappear. But here’s my little man, you can ooh and aah at his cuteness.



Most of the #etmooc topics caught my interest, and I’m hoping to learn more about the open movement and digital storytelling. We do a lot of work with digital storytelling in the elementary grades, but it’s pretty surface level. 


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