Blog Reading Group Update

This month in the Post #etmooc Blog Reading Group we are exploring 21st Century Publishing, and the featured blog is Hybrid Pedagogy. There are discussions taking place in the Google+ community, and there have been a few live events.

I have been caught in the craziness of June and haven’t been able to participate in any of the live events yet, so I really am looking forward to participating in Hybrid Pedagogy’s 24 hour Moocathon this Saturday. It should be very busy, and a lot of fun.

Hybrid Pedagogy is preparing a Special Collection of articles about K-12 Education: “We have not been thinking enough — or perhaps at all — about what we’re doing wrong at the post-secondary level and how the demand to “prepare” learners for “higher” ed might be hindering the ability of our K-12 colleagues to do their jobs as educators. ” If you are interested in contributing, check out their call for proposals.

Our next live event will be a Google+ Hangout on-air with Jesse Strommel (@jessifer) and Sean Morris (@slamteacher) which I will be hosting on June 26th at 9am MST. I am looking forward to it. I have have some catching up to do this weekend to get ready. I’ll be checking out the archives of the hangout and chats from earlier in the month, and digging more deeply into the content on Hybrid Pedagogy.

On June 4th Christina Hendricks hosted a Hangout with Jesse Strommel (@jessifer) and Pete Rorabough (@allistelling) who talked about why they started Hybrid Pedagogy and how it works. It was the first one that we have broadcast live, you can view the archive here. On June 5th Karen Young hosted an #etmchat with Hybrid Pedagogy as featured guests to continue the conversation started in the hangout the night before. Here is her Storify archive of the event.

Karen hosted another #etmchat this Wednesday June 12th about what K-12 educators can bring to the table. The conversation was lively (despite taking place during the first game of the Stanley Cup Finals) and it continues in the chat. Here is her Storify archive of the chat.

Here are the questions if you would like to participate:
1) Do you believe there are barriers between elementary, secondary and higher ed communication? If so what are they?
2) What aspects of elementary practice could you see introducing into your teaching? Play? Management techniques? Chunking?
3) What aspects of secondary practice could you see introducing into your teaching? Allowing students to design their own courses?
4) What aspects of higher ed practice could you see introducing into your teaching?

We are going to be taking a break from featured topics and bloggers over the summer, but we will be encouraging discussions about whatever we are reading.

In September our topic will be Connected Learning. I hope you can join the conversation at one of our live events, or in the Post #etmooc Blog Reading Group Community.