Facing My Fears

Whew!  I am very pleased that my first EDCI 515 illuminate session went smoothly.  Any apprehensions I had are now alleviated as everything worked well (audio, display and Valerie’s tour of our course site) for me.  I am excited about this course but realize I must, once again, initiate a Twitter relationship.

Blind dating: Two years ago Alec Couros (@courosa) publicly declared his love for Twitter during a keynote address at our District ProD Day.  My friends Sarah (@soltauheller) and Melody (@soingirl) also attested to the magnetic attractions of Twitter.  They boasted of its endless possibilities, admitted their addictions and referred to it as “the best professional development” I would ever encounter!  I was intrigued, Twitter was so highly recommended …I registered.  I tried to get know Twitter, I started following people but eventually I came to realize that Twitter took time and I was not that dedicated to it.  We broke up.

Online dating:  After completing my first two graduate level courses this summer, I set August as my month to commit to Twitter.  Basing my Twitter goal on the theory that it take 21 days to make something a habit I set out to engage with Twitter daily– my plan was to stop being an egg on day one, tweet on day two, decide to use hootsuite or tweetdeck on day three etc.  I even posted a reply to George Couros’ blog about committing to Twitter–if I put it out there to George I would have to follow through.  Ha! I am so much better at procrastinating than I thought.  There seemed to be  “Plenty of Fish” keeping me busy in August.

Speed dating:  I think this course will be the greatest motivating factor in renewing my relationship with Twitter as I follow #etmooc    I think # means  hashtag but I don’t know how it is different from the @symbol.  <big sigh> “I can do this, I am brave, I will follow through this time. ”

I am jumping with both feet……………….
