Digital Age Teaching & Learning is the goal. Forget about…

Digital Age Teaching & Learning is the goal. Forget about the technology, as it is a given these days. Learning to teach with the technology is where our focus should be now, and I am not talking about creating a set of district approved lessons for teachers to use. Teachers need to be creating their own lessons; there is a multitude of resources out there for them to access and play around with. The best way for a teacher to begin digitizing their environment is by creating their own PLN and connecting with colleagues they can collaborate and learn with. What device should you use—does it matter? The teacher’s challenge is creating and curating content that students can access outside the time/space they share with their students. Teachers repeatedly ask for one thing from administration — “more time.” Leveraging technology to digitize content, grade online, flip learning, etc., can do just that—give teachers more time during the day to create valuable relationships with their students, and oddly enough, this is what students say they value most.