Perfect 10 in Program for Online Learning already!


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10 – It seems like the perfect number, mark and direction we are  looking for – a perfect 10!

That is the score I achieved on the POT program’s  Beginner’s Questionnaire. The fact that I don’t even have the energy or desire to check what the total could have been for me – tells me that I really like this “perfect 10”.  I know that it is a lower total, based on Lisa Lane’s excellent summary of the questionnaire. However, what I think it most reveals to me is that – whatever I create, whatever I can offer by facilitating an online course – it will be my perfect 10. When I reflect upon how much my courses have changed in design and the turn towards pedagogy, I realize that my “perfect 10” will be a different course today than it was even 3 months ago.

That’s the the thing about perfect 10’s. They are different for everyone.

However, unlike food or wine that can become better over time – an online course will be a perfect 10 – in the moment – but will need constant changes to meet the needs of its primary reason for existence – engaging students. I think Melissa Conrey did an excellent job describing some myths and false expectations in online teaching.

So – while I keep striving to create a perfect 10 course – I know that it will be a fleeting success. One day a perfect 10, and the next day – a perfect 1.  And that’s ok – as long as I keep trying. Throughout this course I am looking forward to relearning how to teach, rethinking how to design and how to engage with my students – and to re examine the “myth” of the perfect 10.
I especially enjoyed the video descriptions (mind map) of the worksheets and Melissa’s personalized explanation of what we are getting ourselves into. It’s not just about a looking for a perfect 10 – it’s about figuring out this “thing” called online learning – and its potential based on our personal pedagogy. I am excited to be a part of the process.

Verena :)

Resources: Week 2, Program for Online Learning