Student-created Posters for our classroom walls via iPads and Flickr

Classroom scene:
iPads out.
Science concepts and Inspirational quotes on the board.
Bare walls.
Posters on floor/counter out for classification purposes: effective vs ineffective

Pep talk: The posters are off our walls for a reason. The challenge for us: Splash these walls with OUR ‘paint!’ Create our OWN posters with US and/or OUR work in them.
The kids accepted the challenge as worthy and noble and set off with great fervor, finding PhotoBooth a keen source of inspiration and possibility.

Kids figured how to add text and make collages with no iPad editing apps:

  • Add text to pictures and make collages in Keynote/Pages; take a screenshot picture

**Then EMAIL the pictures to my Flickr account — the address on the board.** 

We watched the pictures pop up on my Flickr page on the projector screen as kids emailed them from their iPads and school email accounts.

  • Nifty: I can edit the pictures they send into Flickr with the built-in editor, Aviary–adding effects, frames, and text to any picture. (Students can type into the email what text they want me to add!) Then I can share the pictures to social media or use the available html code for blogposts. 🙂

When the first posters get printed in about a week or two (when more poster paper comes in), the kids’ views of what a learning community ‘is’ and ‘can be’ will enlarge. They’ll be surrounded by all posters (motivational, anchor charts for content) created with their smarts; by them and arranged by them. No more ‘teacher store’ consumption for our walls. Okay, perhaps consumption of ideas but creation of our own products!

The big questions we’re considering as we learn this year
CREATE vs CONSUME? Is learning all about consuming? 
When is it about consuming? When should it be about creating? 
Should there be more of one? Which one? Why?!
  • One student made a tantalizing comment the next day as we worked further on the project. “We should do this same thing out in the school. Cover the walls with posters and pictures from everyone!” BRILLIANT! YES!

These are some of the first posters to be finalized for printing and laminating! Enjoy the kids’ work!(Click on the pictures to go to my Flickr photo stream.)

Let Your Power Shine! (Student-designed poster for our classroom walls! 2013-14)
"Student-created Poster: 'Stretch your Mind with Science!'
Student-created Poster: Independent Variable (artwork on Dry Erase surface)

Student-created Poster: Change like an IV; Measure it like a DV.

Student-created Poster: Things can always be fixed
Student-created poster: Collaborate (