Use your Flickr Email address to create a group, event, or class PhotoStory. #edcampKC

Photo-collaboration using my Flickr Email at MOREnet conference

Photo created at MOREnet conference, Oct 14, 2013;
sent to my Flickr email address to build a group photo-story.

This is one of the photos created by educators in my Picture Perfect session at the MOREnet conference on October 14, 2013. Mike took this picture of me during our time together, edited it with the WordFoto app (which several of us then downloaded ’cause we liked it), and EMAILED it to my Flickr email address.

All those emailed pics went into this set:

MOREnet Conference Flickr Set! #2013M3 The conference as seen through many eyes–not just mine. I talked a lot about the opportunities Flickr affords educators during my session.

How to find your Flickr email: Hover over your picture in upper right, click on Settings, and click on Emails and Notifications. Cool thing: You can CHANGE your Flickr email. If you give a group your email or tweet out the email, no worries about people having YOUR Flickr email address and photo-bombing you so to speak. 🙂 You can change it whenever you want.

Growing this idea at #EdcampKC in the perfect place and event for visual group storytelling.

Taking this same idea on a bigger scale to The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art for #edcampKC on Nov 9th. We will build a group-created Flickr set from all of us. We’ll be able to see our day at the Nelson-Atkins through 300 eyes (ok, 600) –instead of just 2. Through 300 minds, visions, hearts.

During EdcampKC 2012, I took the pictures and made a Flickr set. I added a few pics from other people; mostly just my ‘views.’

This year–everyone that wants to can build our Flickr set into something big, bold, and beautiful that can be used with kids, the museum, with educators. They can edit the pictures that day in the many beautiful spaces in the museum, in the auditorium during photo sessions and at home during the next few days.

I can’t wait to see the beauty and the stories to unfold before our eyes….