Guided Inquiry Design by Kuhlthau, Maniotes & Caspari

Don’t worry – this isn’t another course – it’s a book 🙂


Was given this to read by a beautiful teacher and I am so glad she did as it’s bring the practicalities of inquiry learning/facilitating into focus for me. Here are a few points of interest and things I just don’t want to forget…


Guided Inquiry is a way of thinking, learning, and teaching that changes the culture of the school into a collaborative inquiry community. (It) develops academic competency, career readiness, and life skills… Learning content in isolation is an inefficient, outdated practice. (As) student cannot possibly learn all of the content that is known, learning how to learn and understanding one’s own learning process are more important than ever before.


Guided Inquiry Design Process


1. Open: invitation to inquiry, open minds, stimulate curiosity

2. Immerse: build background knowledge, connect to content, discover interesting ideas

3. Explore: explore interesting ideas, look around, dip in

4. Identify: pause and ponder, identify inquiry question, decide direction

5. Gather: gather important information, go broad, go deep

6. Create: reflect on learning, to beyond facts to make meaning, create to communicate

7. Share: learn from each other, share learning, tell your story

8. Evaluate: evaluate achievement of learning goals, reflect on content and process


Classroom time is not call lessons – which infers a teacher-led classroom – they are called sessions. The book contains a session plan – consisting of starter, work time, reflection and notes (pretty simple but clearly marked with a copyright symbol so I can’t share 🙁


Five Kinds of Learning

Inquiry Tools: Strategies for Guided Inquiry
The next chapters of the book look in depth at each of the phases of inquiry…