Our Business and website!

Now that Christmas and the Relative Marathons are over I can tell you what we have been up to… we have started a consultation business – Wrightstuff Interactive. It has taken months putting together the website and finishing a few of our first projects but I am really quite chuffed with the results.

The Website
As you may know, I have always loved Blogger – in the early days it was just the easiest way for a non-coder like me to customise and make a blog my own.

My first blog was about being a mum. The second was a collaborative project I did with three friends called Women for God – a bible study blog. Both of these have now finished as life circumstances change. Now I have this blog, Green Shoes, about edtech and The Teaching of Kindness – my new and much neglected blog where I reflect on the Christian books I’m reading and Bible studies. These were all created in Blogger.

Meanwhile my devastatingly handsome and ridiculously talented husband Samuel had started his own blog wrightstuffmusic.com Wanting his own domain, he decided to use WordPress. I of course stubbornly held to my Blogger convictions and wouldn’t even look at the WordPress interface… until now… Wrightstuffinteractive.com is my first attempt at WordPress and I am really pleased with the results. I made all the graphics myself or used CC files off the net. I love white painted bricks so they are the main background texture throughout the site. We bought the Salient WordPress theme and I can not recommend it enough. Not only is it a beautiful responsive theme but Theme Nectar is just about the greatest customer support techie in the whole world! Super fast turn around on questions posted to the forums and a “no question is too hard” attitude.

Next post – iBooks