What I’m Learning: Automated Resource Sharing with Google Sites

I cannot take any of the credit for the amazing work that John Calvert has done. He is truly inspirational in all that he is creating for his school district. I just wanted to take a moment and bask in the glow that is this one stop shop of resource sharing. It automatically tags, sorts, and creates pages for resources shared in their schools. There is more than a little bit of “Wow” going on here. If that isn’t enough, you should look at the other areas of their support site. They are wonderful.

Edtech Tofu: Creating a Google Form Powered File Sharing Site in Two Ways: Nose to Tail

This blog post has been sticking in my head over the last day and I decided to rewrite sections. The whole system that was used to create the Scarsdale Teacher Share is complex, and while it works for us, it isn’t for everyone. There is a lot to be said for simplicity and I’d like to include a less complex alternative that accomplishes a lot of the same stuff.  In the revised post below, I’ll explain the easier method first and then continue to the more complex version. The whole thing is pretty long – but I hope it’s useful.