An Invitation to #2minPD

I would like to invite each of you to contribute to the project known as #2minPD. Before I give you the details, I wanted to share my first contribution to the project:

This fabulous project was started by Melissa Pelochino of the Stanford d.School. You can read more about how the movement has grown over here.

Here is the gist, though:

The concept is called #2minPD (two minute professional development).


#2minPD is a video series of 2-minute professional development videos created by educators, for educators. They capture exciting teaching strategies, classroom activities or teaching concepts worth sharing. Selected videos are pushed out to mobile phones each day to teachers who subscribe to receive them.


The goal is to reach 1 million educators with a series of 30 videos (1 per day for a month) in the fall and I am in the process of reaching out to ROCK STAR educators to create them.


And that is where YOU come in!  I would love to have you as part of this series!  If you could share a teaching strategy with 1 million teachers, what would it be?  Simply open your iphone and take a selfie, upload it  to Youtube or Twitter and send me a link.  It’s that simple!


This short document will provide you with more specifics on how to get started as well as some details on the format. 


Here are a few examples of 2minPD videos you can check out for some inspiration:

    • Here is one from Melissa
    • Here is one from Cameron in Australia
    • Here is one from Lisa in the Midwest


So, contribute to the conversation and let’s keep growing this movement.