Cory Doctorow FTR – International Postage

Twelve headshots of Cory Doctorow made to look like postage stamps

Remix of a photo by Jonathan Worth

This assignment was to take an image of Cory Doctorow from a collection of images created by Jonathan Worth and remix it.  My idea was to take the image of multiple small head shots of Doctorow and make them into postage stamps.  Initially I was thinking of making them Canadian stamps with a maple leaf logo, but then I realized that a Creative Commons or Copyleft logo would be more appropriate.  I got the idea for the copyleft logo from the cover of Doctorow’s Makers book where the C of his name is a stylized copyleft C.    This would probably be a relatively simple project for someone with Photoshop chops, but it took me quite a while to figure out how to do basic things such as create lines of white dots and create copyleft which could then take on multiple colours.  After adding the perforations, I realized that the smaller images were not on a grid, so each vertical strip  needed to be cut from the original image and aligned on a black background so that the perforations would have a chance of lining up.

Remixed image licensed for reuse under a Creative Commons BY-SA license.