An Introduction

So, I’ve been thinking about how to introduce myself. I am taking a massive, open, online course ETMOOC. There are now about 1,500 people signed up. One of the first things to do for the course is to introduce yourself and add your blog to the hub so that others can find you and read along with your thoughts about the course.

I figured that saying that I’m now the Director of Educational Technology after being a teacher for a long time gives a pretty good idea of what I do at work. Plus, there’s this blog that gives some idea. What I always like is when I learn something about what my colleagues do outside of school. All of a sudden they are 3-dimensional people.

I made a little video about a fun adventure my family and I had over the vacation. We went to see the exhibit The Event of a Thread by Ann Hamilton at the Park Avenue Armory in New York City. It’s not still there or I would be encouraging anyone who is near by or has free time to go. So, here’s my little video about our day. Click on the image to see my video on vimeo.

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