Curating Content and Diigo

I have just caught up with one of the #etmooc sessions on curating content. There is plenty of content arriving in my inbox and twitter feed daily and to help in organising it,  I am using Diigo.  This slide from the blackboard session (created by Jeffery Heil) details some of the things you can do with Diigo.


I have used this tool for a few months and have set up lists that match my interests. I am working hard to tag things as clearly as possible to make it easy to find what I want later. The diigolet is very handy for bookmarking sites, pages etc that I want to either keep or read later. There are still some tools I have yet to try such as notes and highlighting but the webinar has shown me how they can be used. This is how my Diigo library looks at present (but growing daily!)

I have found Diigo invaluable for being able to locate that ‘great idea’ or ‘interesting video’ that I have stumbled across. It has enabled me to use many of these resources for professional learning for staff meetings or personal use with ease, and I can also share my Diigo account with others. This is the aspect of Diigo that I know I need to work on, building a network of shared groups and connections like I have on Twitter.

Have you used Diigo or other curation tools? How do you build connections through curation tools?