Kevin Kumashiro – Chapter 1 – Response

I like the teacher as researcher model and believe that we should be using this format for our professional development.  Too often teachers are mandated to go to conferences and get nothing out of the conference.  There are many reason why professionals do not get what they want from conferences.  There is bad delivery, or it doesn’t apply to the teacher.  Also the fact that the professional does not have any personal stake in the learning.  Choice for the learner also applies to the professional.

I am not saying that teachers don’t get anything out of the professional development that is currently given to staffs.  Teachers are professionals and are skilled at problem solving and will find the nuggets.  However, if professional development were personal and more action research based it would be more applicable to teachers.  This masters program has been excellent professional development for me because it is about my learning and improving my practice.

Change is troubling for many.  I have always tried to embrace change in my profession.  Throughout my undergrad education at the University of Regina Arts Education Program we were told that we were change agents and expected to make plans for change in our future schools and school divisions. This was very valuable training and has served well for me throughout my years of teaching practice.

“Without exception, all the teacher education programs suggested that “good” teaching requires that teacher be ongoing learners, especially of teaching.” (Kumashiro, p.10).   This statement supports my previous thoughts on the use of action research and the importance of teachers taking ownership for their professional development.  As well, teachers are constantly reviewing their practice to find ways to improve.  When units of study, relationships with students, or extra-curricular activities do not meet our expectations, we reflect and analyze the problems that occurred.  We seek guidance through reference and discussion with critical friends to find solutions to the issues.