Wednesday Presentations

Ellen- this presentation gave me so much to think about and I thank you for engaging me. The way technology was embedded into the presentation on so many levels and gave me much to strive for.  Random group generator- this was a wonderful way to make groups again.  The use of Twitter to give the link to the class for the google doc we were all contributing to.  The Rant was wonderful – I do need to include more video creation in my classes.  The use of photos – wow do I need to update my Flickr account.  Many of these tools I use but not as fluidly as was presented today. 

Carla – You are obviously passionate about your teaching, I gain more and more respect for you with each presentation.  I like the quote – think globally but act locally from the Soapbox- The Time is Now youtube video was a great way to end your presentation and has me thinking about the many ways that I can embed service learning into my teaching practice.

Courtney and Angela Your presentations and overall attitude is always refreshing and positive especially when speaking about your staff and students.  This presentation was created on a ipad and Courtney used her iphone to act as a remote for the presentation. (download Keynote remote app). 

I loved the game of expressions and how you tied it into your presentation so fluently.  This game involves the leader blurting out an emotion while the group must animate in facial expressions and use of gestures then freeze the expression.  We were also introduced to another tool similar to WordleTagxedo which creates images with words.

Courtney and Angela divided engagement into three areas; cognitive, emotional, and behavioral.  I also like the quote which I was only able to write down pieces of – It is the teacher’s responsibility to engage opposed to expecting the student to be engaged.  They also created the social and pedagogical authorities – this I will have to refer to their presentation but it certainly made sense. 

Miss It Hurts by Vera Tourangeau  – this is a very moving book, only a piece of it was read during the presentation, must put it on my to read list.

Steve and Diane  This was a great presentation about culture and language.  Culture unites people, is what we make it and how we shape it.  Understanding culture creates more open minded people and thus more global.

Cherokee Nation Video

As usual, I was taught by our instructor, Julie today.  Julie completed her assessment of the presentations today on her computer.  This makes total sense to me and does not involve paper, which of course always impresses me.

Thank you to all of the cohort for your presentations.  I enjoy learning from all of you and feeling the passion you have for your topics.  Enjoy the rest of your summer.