The New Year

I began this school year somewhat differently than usual.  My classes began group work right away.  I did not wait till they were “ready” and I felt they knew their responsibilities well enough to work with others.  We began our year together getting to know each other through small group work.  These students have to work together for a whole year and need to be able to work together.  We have done some small community building exercises but need to continue this process and I am really looking forward to teaching this way.

One of my many excuses of the past was the focus on curricular outcomes rather than social benefits.  I was pleasantly surprised on day two when we finished our group activities and got down to analyzing a poem near the end of class.  The students seemed to breeze through the poem quite easily with energy and enthusiasm.  I was thoroughly impressed.

I must remember to keep this enthusiasm going and not revert back to my old ways.  Even though the group work makes more sense and the students respond well, it is very easy to revert back to the way I have been doing it for twenty years.  I must consciously plan and execute a new method of teaching.