one to one

Our school is implementing a one to one computer initiative with grade nine students this year.  It is quite a change for many staff and students but one that truly should be a part of every student’s education.  Many teachers have embraced the idea while others are not finding technology useful in their curriculum.

Our initial meeting this year was quite exciting.  Staff decided the students should be given the net-books in the morning and then return them before they leave for the day.  I was quite impressed and believed that more and more teachers will begin to embrace technology when it is with the students at all times. 

However, this is not what happened today when I began the day.  There are six carts which will be given to each of the English classes.  Students will have more access to technology, but will not be carrying the devices around the building. 

I can see both sides of the issue and in the end finances ruled.  These devices are worth a lot of money, our building is very large and there are many students.    It would be very difficult to make sure these devices get back to their storage space each day.  Hopefully as time goes on this school year, many of the issues will be resolved and students will be given more access to devices.

Student owned devices would help to rid some of the issues.  Many students have their own net-books, ipads or laptops but cannot utilize the internet in our building.  I have heard rumblings that this will change but nothing has happened so far.  As a person with several of my own devices (laptop, ipad, iphone) I understand the comfort level users have with their own equipment.  It is like driving your own car – yes most vehicles have the same options but it is far easier to operate the same one on a regular basis.  If we want students and staff to use technology doesn’t it have to be user friendly?

In the mean time my students logged on to “their” net-books today.  All of them have a Google account and are ready to begin our paper lessened class on Monday.  (I look forward to a day when I do not have to spend class time setting up Google user accounts as this is such a waste of valuable class time.)  We have lots to learn and lots to do and I am loving the fact that my students have unlimited access to devices while in my classroom.