TedEd – Spreading Good Ideas in Education!


Wow!  TED has done it again. Created something “worth spreading” for education: Ted-Ed.  If you haven’t checked this out – you must! The TED organization has created a version of its site for education with the following goal: “We live in a world where one teacher’s voice can spread out throughout the world,” Anderson, TED curator, said—and students worldwide can learn from the best teachers in each subject (quoted from Dennis Pierce, How TED-Ed is helping to amplify instruction, 2012).  After one visit to the site and a viewing of the site’s tour video, it was evident that TedEd has the potential to amplify, transform, and play a major role in personal and personalized learning environments.

TedEd is hallmarked by the following options and opportunities:

  • curated educational videos
  • many videos represent a unique collaboration between educators and Ted nominated animators
  • create customized learning (add content,assessment and/or reflection questions, add additional reading and/or links to “dig deeper) around any educational video using the Flip this Video features
  • users can distribute the lessons, publicly or privately, and track their impact and use
  • students and teachers can search by series, subject, flipped videos, you tube, recent activity
  • giving teacher’s voice and opportunities to get involved by nominating an educator or animator, suggestion a topic, or giving general feedback

This is a must-do! Don’t wait.  Start to curate content and vision how this will impact the learning environment in your classroom.  Explore how it can broaden your impact as a teacher, fit into the flipped instructional model, and most importantly how this can fit into your student’s PLNs.

TedEd will definitely give Kahn Academy a run for its money!