teaching on line

This is my summary about So, You want to teach online? webinar by Shelly Terrell.

Online formats

  • secondlife: create 3Ds stories
  • Skype
  • Webinar-Platforms: you can upload videos, ppt, chat box, audio
  • E-Conferences: Virtual Round Table
  • Google Hangouts: Chat with gmail account
  • E-courses: EVO
  • MOOCs: Massive Open Online Course
Which should I choose?
It depends on many factors: the number of students, your budget, students’digital literacy, Synchronous vs Asynchronous 
  • PosterousEasily manage and customize multiple Spaces. Each Space can be customized with privacy settings.
  • Skype
  • Wikis
  • Adobe: not free
  • Elluminate: not free
  • WizIQ: not free but reasonable price
  • Haikulearning
How does teaching online differ from teaching f2f?

  • need to learn about the tools
  • learn from others
  • attend online webinars 
  • test it out: Rehearse 
  • transform your material
  • interactive youtube: My search: The Treasure HuntChoose a different Ending, Who Wants to be a YouTubillionaire!? (I loved it!)
  • attend host webinars regularly
  • learn presentation design (I followed Shelly’s advise and check on Steve Job’s Presentation Secrets)
  • present at online conferences
  • share on social networks
  • post online: Slideshare, Authorstream, Present.me
  • Edmodo
  • Blogs
  • Google+
  • Google docs
  • Posterous
  • Livebinders
  • Wikis
  • Scribd
  • Moodle
How to market yourself?
  • Create a profile, blog, Google+, FB, Twitter, Start your own youtube channel, collaborate on a project
Where can you present?
  • Reform Symposium
  • Edublogs Serendipity
  • E-conferences
  • Virtual Round Table
  • Learn Central
  • Skype into TeachMeets
  • classroom 2.0
  • Gllobal Education Conference
  • K12 Online
Further resources:
  • #Elearning on Twitter
  • Teaching Online by Nicky Hockly and Lindsay Clandfield
My reflections after the webinar:
I started teaching online in 2011. Mainly because commuting a big city like Buenos Aires is challenging. Students got to classes late or did not manage to turn up. Too many cancellations. I use Skype and Google docs as our “board”. The main reason for this combination has to do with budget. 
After one year I feel that my online classes are usually more efficient, we start on time and finish on time, which also gives me the chance to schedule more classes. I can teach even when not in the city.
I transform my lesson plans a little and blog the resources students need or just provide links.
My next goal was to have a wiki where we can upload all students’activities. This is challenging as most of my learners are not digital literate natives, most of them not even residents. But I will upload their work myself at the beginning and they might learn with time. 
After this webinar I am going to do some more research to see if Posterous offers a more friendly platform.