2016 year review

Dear everyone,

2016 has been a big and different year in many ways. I have been traveling a journey which brought some answers to questions I have been asking for some time now. Lots of learning and some unexpected revelations I’d like to share with you in my 2016 annual review.…

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How to innovate and create with the resources we have

The Innovator’s Mindset
Reflections on Chapter 2
On innovation within constraints. 
I am a freelance teacher and my students are business people, lawyers, writers, students, teachers, designers, writers. My students and I share the vision that we are committed to living a better life for ourselves, for the people we love and care and for the communities we are part of.
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From learning about to creating

“Change almost never fails because it’s too early. It almost always fails because it’s too late.” – Seth Godin

To me that “almost never” makes sense for this quote. I find it hard not to question such generalisations. I’ve learnt that they are not always true, and though they work as inspirational for almost everyone, it can be frustrating for others.
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It’s time, innovate and let go of fear

Once you stop learning, you start dying – Albert Einstein

  • Why do we teach?
  • How do we learn?
  • What does a successful learner look like?
  • What does a successful teacher look like?
This kind of questions are fascinating to me. When I think I get to know the answer, I find myself questioning again and answering them in a different way as I move forward in the amazing process of becoming and being a whole teacher.
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50 Activities for the First Day of School by Walton Burn. My book review

Dear teachers,

If you are like me, I bet you love having a good stock of resources and activities ready to use at any moment during the class, for breaking the ice, for fixing some language issue or for those moments when we feel there’s a need to ditch the lesson plan.…

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You can grab the moment or you can let it pass. Ditch the plan

Last July 18th I had the honour and pleasure of presenting at The 30 Goals Challenge Online Conference organised by awesome Shelly Terrell. It was an amazing experience over 4 intensive days of sharing and learning.

Every time teachers get together to share their true stories about teaching and learning is a celebration of joy, care and support.…

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Unplugged goals and outcomes. #rhizo15

One of my learners comes to class and he tells me: “I’ve been thinking about the many of us, young professionals, willing to work for Google or Apple in Argentina. I saw a LinkedIn post where they shared that Google was recruiting employees, so I updated my CV and filled out an application, they emailed me back and I proudly attended a job interview to find myself in a crowd of hundreds.

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Learning subjectives – designing for when you don’t know where you are going

In the first week of #rhizo15 Dave asked us:

How do we design or own and others learning when we don’t know where we are going?

How does it free us up?

What can we get done with our subjectives that can’t be done with objectives?…

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30 goals challenge. Support a movement

What a great day to start the 2015 30 Goals EDU Challenge.
At iTDi we, educators from all over the world, get together to learn collaboratively and become the best teachers we can. And today, I got an email notification from iTDi, a new teacher from Japan is starting her learning journey in our community.…

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