…Et tu, MOOC? It’s not my first time to enter…or return. To orient is to situate yourself but also explore your setting, take your bearings. The drill can still turn up surprises
Declare throws me because I never know quite where I am going so early in journey. This time I declare that I am here for the ed tech, to see how the course is put together, works, Curator of myself, I am here mostly to see where it takes me, with the proviso to play forward whatever I take away.
The rest of the time (all of it, actually), I’m in Mountainair NM, a small rural community. more housebound than not, I don’t get out much. Online is my connection to the rest of the world. I still journey. It’s a treat to see familiar names and avatars, meet new ones, check out blogs, follow conversations. Open my window wide on the world.
I’m not actively teaching anymore, not officially, but still learning, sharing what I learn. Thinking and writing about it. I’m a serial blogger, several community blogs, higher ed and adjunct advocacy blogs, a blog based ESL study group, other social media. OK still teaching, just in stealth mode.