Beyond Institutions – Personal Learning in a Networked World ~ Stephen’s Web

Beyond Institutions – Personal Learning in a Networked World ~ Stephen’s Web:

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Stephen Downes’ OLWeekly, June 20, 2014

…not something to make a habit of. OLDaily or Weekly is easy to subscribe to for yourself. This is a sample and an experiment

OLDaily, by Stephen Downes

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The Rhizomatic Careers Centre

The Rhizomatic Careers Centre:


I’ve been thinking about rhizomes for a few years now. On and off, mostly off. However, so far it has mostly been a metaphor to explore or vaguely think about. Then I came across Andrea de Pascual’s Rhizomatic Museum and an article she wrote about invisible pedagogies, and it hit home.

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valarywithawhy: Project Makeover – Rebranding Unlearning As I…


Project Makeover – Rebranding Unlearning

As I starting thinking about this week’s question about unlearning, one of the first things I did was look up the common definition of the word “unlearn.” According to Merriam-Webster it means “to be unable to recall or think of.”

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Grade Change: Tracking Online Education in the United States, 2013

Grade Change: Tracking Online Education in the United States, 2013:



“The Babson Survey Research Group has charted the growth of online education annually for more than a decade with support from the Sloan Consortium and other partners. The latest survey, conducted last year, asked chief academic officers at 2,831 colleges and universities about online…

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Old McLiteracy had a #MOOC

…a #metaliteracy sing-a-long to the tune of Old McDonald’s Farm: here a literacy there a literacy everywhere a literacy, (meta)literacy, (trans)literacy…(multi/ple)literacies…eieieo

[Caveat: this post recycles blogged notes and reflections from the Trans/Meta units of CMC 11, version 1.0.…

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#Udacity teams up with Google, AT&T & other tech giants for #OpenEducation Alliance

#Udacity teams up with Google, AT&T & other tech giants for #OpenEducation Alliance:

Udacity and other massive open online course (MOOC) providers may have mixed support among academics, but the Palo Alto, Calif.-based startup sure has a lot of allies in Silicon Valley.

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Hell’s Kitchen & the Battle for #UrbanSpace: Class Struggle & Progressive Reform in #NYC, 1894-1914

Hell’s Kitchen & the Battle for #UrbanSpace: Class Struggle & Progressive Reform in #NYC, 1894-1914:

A book for #citymooc & maybe #mapmooc reading lists. Labor & Working Class Studiesauthor Joseph Varga writes,

If you have an interest in urban history, critical geography and working class history, my book, “Hell’s Kitchen and the Battle for Urban Space: Class Struggle and Progressive Reform in New York City, 1894-1914″ is now available from Monthly Review Press.

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