…In regards to sharing openly, Doug Belshaw recommend s creating a canonical URL. The intent is to provide a starting point for people to engage with and build upon your work and ideas. This could be one space in which to share everything or you could have a separate link for each project.
Tag Archives: sharing
5Rs at #TeachMeetGLA
I went along to TeachMeetGLA on Tuesday evening a couple of weeks ago.
Arriving before the crowd I noticed the very pleasant surroundings in CitizenM and very fast WiFi. Folk and the pizza started arriving around 5 before the 5:30 kick off.…
Communicating, connecting and networking
So I’m still in reflection mode about my own learning so you’ll have to bear with one more clmooc reflection. And it’s not really so much a clmooc reflection as it is a reflection about 2013 so far, my “mooc” year.…
Social Media @ GCHS!
My tributes
All my presentations are finished by this message: “I thank the people who help me to search and find”. Even it is really very difficult to recognize all of my inspirations I would like to name at least some of them.…
Learning to Lead by Being Falafel
Thanks to morguefile for the photo
My permanent residence is in my head. Often I am a wee bit philosophical. Talking about my thinking helps me to create space and relevance for it in my daily actions. Currently, I’m trying to cultivate more positive thoughts so that my actions reflect that positivity. …
No Sorry Here; Just Thanks
As #ETMOOC draws to a close, I wanted to take a few moments to thank everyone who pushed my learning via their writing, discussion, and creation. You all rock!
Here are my general takeaways from this awesome experience:
- The smartest person in the room is THE ROOM.
(Open) Attitude is Everything, Part 2
Cross-posted at The Educators’ Cafe.
cc licensed Flickr photo by cogdogblog: http://www.flickr.com/photos/cogdog/6476689463/
In my final reflection on #ETMOOC Topic #4: The Open Movement – Open Access, OER & Future of Education, I am going to focus on OER. …
Twitter in the Classroom
Three years ago, I wrote my first post about Twitter.
If you are looking for a way to keep parents informed in bite-sized portions, Twitter may be a good solution for you as it can integrate nicely into a parent’s handheld lifestyle.…
Honk if you love life!
Our Inquiry and RE units this term have focussed on the concepts of community and our place within the community. It has been a rich and diverse unit and we are now at the stage of expressing our learnings about what community is and how it can be built.…