Building Public Will. Changing the Future.

Today I attended the UIC Urban Forum: Jobs and the Labor Force of Tomorrow and was actively Tweeting quotes until my phone battery went low. I took about 5 pages of notes, which I’ll draw from in future articles.

During the last of three panel discussions I created the sketch below.…

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Building on-line Communities – #clmooc example

Below is an archive of a Connected Learning #clmoc Twitter chat that took place last week. It was created by Kevin Hodgson, a middle school teacher from Massachusetts.

You can find this and other ideas submitted by Kevin and #clmooc members in this G+ community and this Facebook community.…

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Who Am I? #CLMOOC Introduction

This week the 2016 version of the Connected Learning MOOC is starting.  Participants are encouraged to create a visual introduction, and share it with others on various social media platforms.

I first connected with this group in 2013 and repeated in the past two years.…

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Moving to Medium

mediumlogoThere is a new blogging platform, one that I think is better than WordPress, and I am moving there for future posts. I will add pointers here, but the content will be there.

Why am I releasing total control over my feed here, with my own domain name and wordpress installation?…

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Etmooc 3 Year Anniversary Celebration

On January 20th we celebrated the 3rd anniversary of the Open and Connected Learning Mooc (etmooc) and launched the Mario Couros Memorial Bursary.

Susan hosted the conversation on Zoom which was a new video conferencing program for most participants.…

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Teachers: Now a Working Class Profession

magister“From the Sage on the Stage to the Guide on the Side” is now about 20 years old. A little shopworn, but still a…how shall I put it….goal, of some teachers and how they adapt to technology. It is the gist of an Atlantic article by Michael Godsey, a K-12 teacher witnessing the “progress” right before his eyes.…

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Annotation. A New Learning and Collaboration Tool

How many times have you read a book, or an article, and used your yellow high-lighter to mark up important passages, or used sticky notes to post comments? Or even written notes in the margins? I’m sure many of us have done this to support our learning and prepare for tests.

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Building Personal Learning Habits – Solving Complex Problems

In many of my articles I’ve shown media stories from the 1990s that show the same problems facing Chicago 20 years ago are the same as we are facing now. My comments focus on the lack of consistent, long-term, strategy that engages people from throughout the region in solutions.

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The Graduation Thesis: Insufficient and Outmoded

This the title of a recent article I wrote for my university research journal (Gakuen). In it, I advocate for subsuming the Graduation Thesis, common here in Japan among undergraduates, among a collection of other possible ways for demonstrating ability to work in a field.…

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#CLMOOC Make Cycle #2: Re(Media)te with ME

I started taking part in MOOCs several years ago and am now part of the 2015 Connected Learning MOOC #CLMOOC. We’re in the second week, and each week a newsletter introduces a new theme for learning. The theme this week is Re(Media)te with ME, which means participants are encouraged “to choose something (an artifact, a story, a picture, a video clip, an anything) and over the course of the week remediate it through one or more different media.”…

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