
When we talk personalization, we tend to talk about targeting. You learn a certain set of things, you get tested, the personalization software finds knowledge gaps and runs you through the set of canned explanations that you need.


While not entirely useless, this conception doesn’t fit the bulk of my experience as either a teacher or a learner.

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Co-learning, #ccourses, and Keeping the Lights On: #etmooc and the Connected Courses MOOC

We may have a new corollary to one of the most famous lines from the movie It’s a Wonderful Life (“Teacher says, ‘Every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings.’”): Every time #etmooc is mentioned, a learner gets new learning wings.…

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Learning When No One Is at the Center of the Room: Connected Courses MOOC (#ccourses)

Frequent flyers, at one time or another, have the disorienting experience of having to consciously look for reminders of where we are; our minds simply can’t keep up with the frequent leaps between cities, states, and, occasionally, countries. Frequent learners engaged in co-learning (what Edward Brantmeier describes as the act of changing roles so teachers and learners become “joint sojourners on the quest for knowledge, understanding, and…wisdom”) within the world of connected learning may be facing a parallel challenge in at least a couple of ways; when interacting with connected-learning colleagues, we need to remind ourselves which of our wonderfully overlapping communities of learning we are currently engaging (Is this #etmooc—the Educational Technology & Media massive open online course?…

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Building a Global University Brand

AP GlobalThese are unnerving times for higher education worldwide. After a four-decade rise in global demand, universities are grappling with powerful forces colliding at once: reduced government support, rising public skepticism about the value of a degree, increased institutional competition and the emergence of disruptive technology.

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The Globalization of Higher Education

Going GlobalDuring the month of March, we will highlight the topic of the globalization of higher education and how it impacts domestic universities.

The dissemination of knowledge on a global scale has the potential to
transform peoples’ lives in significant ways. Today, technology provides this powerful capability and facilitates access to information that is no longer constrained by physical boundaries.

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Exploring Voicethread Using ARCS Instructional Design Approaches

Whitney Kilgore , Vice President, Learning Technologies, Academic Partnerships International, along with Leah B. Mangrum, Assistant Professor of Communication, Angelo State University, and Jennifer Miller, University of North Texas/Dublin Independent School District, co-authored an article that was recently published in the Journal of Media Education.

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#etmooc: Singing Happy Birthday to a Course

It’s not often that I’m invited to attend a birthday party for a course—but then again, it’s not often that I find myself immersed in a learning opportunity that produces the sort of sustainable community of learning that #etmooc has.

etmoocThat wonderful massive open online course (MOOC)—the Educational Technology and Media MOOC that Alec Couros and others offered to great acclaim in early 2013—was something that many of us heard about from colleagues or simply stumbled across during our general online explorations of MOOCs last year.

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What I’m Learning: The Facilitation Toolbox

I came across this toolbox for helping folks to facilitate online learning and online communities of practice. I really like the advice that they present, as well as their focus on curating and facilitating experiences. I also really like that they used a Google+ hangout to help develop the content for this organic course structure.…

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Time Travel, Personal Learning Networks, and Rhizomatic Growth

Let’s engage in some trainer-teacher-learner time travel; let’s revel in a wonderfully and gloriously circular learning moment whose beginning and end have not yet stopped expanding—and won’t if you decide to enter into and further expand this moment as part of a connected educator network.…

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Humanizing Your Online Class Webinar: A Success!

Faculty eCommons

Yesterday, Faculty eCommons, in conjunction with Inside Higher Ed, presented a free webinar featuring Michelle Pacansky-Brock and it was a success! Michelle shared examples of what students identify as valuable characteristics of a “humanized” online ……

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