Alan Levine, #etmooc, and the cMOOC That Would Not Die

We can cut off its head, fill its mouth with garlic, and drive a stake through its body, but we apparently can’t kill a well-designed, engaging, dynamic learning experience and the community of learning it spawns. Nor would we want to.…

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Making Space for the Six-Minute MOOC

Recently, Maha Bali and Sarah Honeychurch held a Google Hangout with Dave Cormier as a follow-up to Rhizo14. Lots of people had sent in questions, and mostly the hangout was about Dave responding to the questions. Along the way, Dave gave a good answer to my question about a different way of defining anything, but defining courses in particular—defining from the inside-out rather than from the …

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Oral vs Written

I have finally watched the week four video. One last thought before I move to week five on the idea of “Is books making us stupid?” I write for many reasons. To keep records, to list what needs to be done for the day, to communicate with others, to work out my thoughts, for the sheer joy of a cleverly turned phrase.…

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Books is Making Me Stupid

Confession time: I still haven’t watched the video for topic #4. Instead I made a video on, you guessed it, “Books is Making Me Stupid.” The title seemed appropriate.

Since the question/statement has been rattling around in my brain all week I started to write some thoughts down (walking the dog is my time for clarifying thoughts!)…

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I am uncomfortable….

with this week’s topic! “Is books making us stupid?” Now I haven’t even watched Dave’s video and I haven’t read anyone’s post because in my mind I am thinking “Uh, no?!” and “Fix the grammar!” So I know Dave is being deliberately provocative to try and make me challenge some long held assumptions about literacy and reading, books and the idea of fixed knowledge.…

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A More Practical View of the Rhizome for #rhizo14

Well, I intended to write a practical view of the rhizome in my last post, but I basically ended up giving my take on the place of the rhizome metaphor in the general development of Western thought over the past few centuries.…

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Practical View of the Rhizome for #rhizo14

I’ve joined Dave Cormier’s MOOC Rhizomatic Learning – The community is the curriculum (#rhizo14), and I want to respond to his challenge for Week 1 to provide an immediately accessible idea of what the rhizome is. This is quite a challenge because I’m not sure that the rhizome as a metaphor is so easily accessible for many people, in large part because it ignores so much of what we in Western …

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Rhizome-plosion (Part II) #rhizo14

I wrote Rhizome-plosion about a year ago while attending #etmooc. It was my first opportunity to hear Dave Cormier share his thinking and at that time I was struck by the theme of shifting power – changing the dynamic between instructor and learner.…

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Time Travel, Personal Learning Networks, and Rhizomatic Growth

Let’s engage in some trainer-teacher-learner time travel; let’s revel in a wonderfully and gloriously circular learning moment whose beginning and end have not yet stopped expanding—and won’t if you decide to enter into and further expand this moment as part of a connected educator network.…

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Looking for new Mooc

First I must apologize to as I did enjoy teachtheweb but after week 2 and a laptop issue,  I found I could not get re-interested. I quess this is why I tell people, MOOC’s are not for college students or at least not most of them.…

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