Stephen Downes’ OLWeekly, June 20, 2014

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OLDaily, by Stephen Downes

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#etmooc: Singing Happy Birthday to a Course

It’s not often that I’m invited to attend a birthday party for a course—but then again, it’s not often that I find myself immersed in a learning opportunity that produces the sort of sustainable community of learning that #etmooc has.

etmoocThat wonderful massive open online course (MOOC)—the Educational Technology and Media MOOC that Alec Couros and others offered to great acclaim in early 2013—was something that many of us heard about from colleagues or simply stumbled across during our general online explorations of MOOCs last year.

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Educational Complexity and Open Systems

The fourth property of complexity that both Taborga and Lawrimore discuss within the context of modern organizations is openness or, as Lawrimore terms it, adaptability. This is, I think, a particularly critical property of complexity and most relevant to my current conversations about education, especially the conversation about MOOCs.…

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#OpenEd13 Presentation – We Have Lost the Term “MOOC”

Video of my presentation MOOCseum:  Using the Open Movement to Invigorate Local Museums is posted below.  Attendees were engaged and responsive, and the numbers were impressive especially considering this was the final presentation slot at the conference.

Attendees were interested in the potential at the confluence point of MOOCs and Museums, and the Q&A session (unfortunately not all caught on camera; I went over my allotted time) captured some of those possibilities (opening up two-way communication at museums beyond a set MOOC date, incorporation into non-art entities, augmented technologies to spur communication and supplemental learning.  …

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Interviews in South Australia

In August 2013, I spent some time with the Department for Education and Child Development in South Australia. While I was there, I was interviewed about a number of issues related to technology and social media in Education. One of the resulting videos is found below (“Using Twitter Effectively in Education”), and there are 12 others found in this playlist.…

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Nurse Ratched’s Digital Nips and Tucks No More! – Week 2’s #ds106 Reflection

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
McMurphy (Personal Cyber-infrastructure) VS.
Nurse Ratchet (Public Ed Infrastructure)
Week 2 in #ds106 was tough because life got in the way, but nevertheless I learned how to make GIFs using some of my favorite movie scenes, and I managed to learn so much from Gardner Campbell through the assigned videos and article.
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Nurse Ratched’s Digital Nips and Tucks No More! – Week 2’s #ds106 Reflection

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
McMurphy (Personal Cyber-infrastructure) VS.
Nurse Ratchet (Public Ed Infrastructure)
Week 2 in #ds106 was tough because life got in the way, but nevertheless I learned how to make GIFs using some of my favorite movie scenes, and I managed to learn so much from Gardner Campbell through the assigned videos and article.
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MOOCS: Additional Reflections on Great (and Not-So-Great) Expectations

We’re far from finished with our efforts to determine how massive open online courses (MOOCs) will fit into our learning landscape, recently published articles and personal experiences continue to suggest.

A MOOCmate’s engaging “A Record of My #ETMOOC Experience, 2013”; a Chronicle of Higher Education article suggesting that “The MOOC ‘Revolution’ May Not Be as Disruptive as Some Had Imagined”; and my own extensive and ongoing reflections on  #etmooc (the Educational Technology & Media MOOC developed and facilitated by Alec Courous and his wonderful gang of “conspirators” earlier this year) and R.

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MOOCs, Transdisciplinarity, and Thinking Big

In his 2004 Phi Beta Kappan essay entitled Thinking Big: A Conceptual Framework for the Study of Everything, self-described contrarian educator Marion Brady writes that “the main task of educating is to help students make more sense of the world, themselves, and others” (p.…

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My new MOOC and SCRATCH Intro Coming Soon…

First let me say,  I joined clmooc and I am very excited,Making Learning Connected, how much more can a 21st century educator or self appointed connectivist such as myself ask for.   I see some old faces and connections and many new ones to make, very exciting.…

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