Beyond Institutions – Personal Learning in a Networked World ~ Stephen’s Web

Beyond Institutions – Personal Learning in a Networked World ~ Stephen’s Web:

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Stephen Downes’ OLWeekly, June 20, 2014

…not something to make a habit of. OLDaily or Weekly is easy to subscribe to for yourself. This is a sample and an experiment

OLDaily, by Stephen Downes

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Why Rhizomatic Learning, Pt. 2 #etmooc

In my last post, I said that networking is the lens through which I see most everything, or at least I try. I confess that I still have some old habits of mind, mostly that I’m unaware of, but when brought to mind, I do try to address them.…

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Writer’s Jam

It happened, writer’s block, or maybe I should call it writer’s jam because that might be a better description. Like this image, I have numerous connected learning logs trying to squeeze through into one coherent, flowing post but nothing is getting through.…

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Preparing for a Clash of MOOCs

ETMOOC LogoWhile I am absolutely loving my experience with ETMOOC, I am about to try my first run at an xMOOC. Tomorrow, I will begin a HarvardX course, HLS1x: Copyright. I am excited.

Copyright is a topic that I have been chasing on my own for a few years now and one where I think that educators must have greater command.…

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Why MOOC? (a series)

Extending the reach and scope of public education is one answer. Let’s do more of these. Got suggestions?

via Stephen Downes, Let’s Make Some Art, Dammit: Homeschooling for Poor PeopleFull sized poster:

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Finding and Building Community in #ETMOOC

Ben Wilkoff posted a great video blog called #ETMOOC Is Overwhelming.  So, Let’s Make Some Meaning.  It really resonated with me.  Ben talks about the fact that MOOCs can be very overwhelming, and that to be successful you can’t read every tweet, blog post and Google+ comment.  …

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Coursera announced this week the addition of a Career Services department for students in the organization.  According to the website, students who opt-in for the program will submit a resume and other information to the site, which will be viewable by selected partner companies.  …

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WAC 4: ePortfolios

I have grounded my concept of a writing across the curriculum program (WAC) in connectivist theory: that knowledge and communication are network phenomena, a function of mapping and traversing complex, multi-scale networks. As Stephen Downes says in his post Types of Knowledge and Connective Knowledge, “connectivism is the thesis that knowledge is distributed across a network of connections.”…

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More Agency, Rhetoric, and Connectivism

If agency is the ability to recognize and respond to the surround, then does agency fit with connectivism? Yes. In fact, I can’t think of an educational theory that agency does not complement. Education is hardly understandable without some notion of agency on either the teacher’s part, the student’s part, or usually both parts.…

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