Adventures: A Choice #etmooc

I’ve been thinking about this “Choose your own adventure,” and “curating multiple paths to learning” that Ben Wilkoff suggests in his Learning is Change series.  My response is this:


Choose A Motivating Environment #etmooc from Sheri Edwards on Vimeo.…

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Learn. Create. Talk. #etmooc post #2


So I’m being pushed. 

I’ve been MIA on Twitter and G+ last year and a half due to many reasons. I don’t need to go into what those are, but I had made my decision after much thought. As I mentioned in my #etmooc intro video, my daily learning life changed since I started joining Twitter and building my PLN.…

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Finding and Building Community in #ETMOOC

Ben Wilkoff posted a great video blog called #ETMOOC Is Overwhelming.  So, Let’s Make Some Meaning.  It really resonated with me.  Ben talks about the fact that MOOCs can be very overwhelming, and that to be successful you can’t read every tweet, blog post and Google+ comment.  …

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Coalesced Connections at #etmooc

Overwhelmed. Learning. Connecting. Contributing. Moving forward. However, Ben Wilkoff reminds us that: Please join this vialogue with Ben’s vlog, “Mutually Beneficial Friction: How We Stop Skimming The Surface Of Ideas” which includes an excerpt from Rodd Lucier’s socialcam post, “Like Spokes on a Wheel.”…

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