#140WC Welcome Challenge #clmooc #etmooc

A Challenge On November 10th, 2014 I made a commitment to myself and invited others to join — teachers, students, bloggers. The commitment? Write 140 words each day — 140 words more or less — but write — blog — everyday.  …

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#ce14 #clmooc #etmooc Student Agency

How do we help students develop the insight and initiative to be life-long, productive learners contributing to a better world? How do we develop student agency? We know that motivation comes from a desire to learn, a purpose, an authentic interest, and a belief that success is possible.…

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30-day challenges #5days5posts Post 1

This new edition of the #5days5posts series starts with a short musing about setting myself 30-day challenges. I contemplate why I think it’s a good idea to do and I announce the first two challenges for the next 30 days.

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Digital Adventure Story-5 Slides-5 Artists-2 Stories #etmooc

We’re on our way to 5 adventure stories.

Enjoy our presentation (here’s how we started- Adventure Collaboration ).

Who are we? @gallit_z   @MsLHall   @lindapemik   @mrsdkrebs  @grammasheri

Imagine your own story as you flip through the slides 1-6. On slide seven (7), click one of the links to hear a story from these same slides, but rearranged for each author.…

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Learn everywhere #etmooc #ceetopen popcorn

We learn everywhere…

In #etmooc and #ceetopen, we encourage collaborative learning by challenging each other to try building artifacts that demonstrate understanding.

Our #ceetopen participants (and my PLN buddies Scott Boylen and Denise Krebs ) recorded very short videos of where we learn and uploaded them to a dropbox from which a single movie was created.…

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An Adventure — Digital Story Collaboration #etmooc #ceetopen


How do you create an adventure story? You invite your Professional / Personal Learning Neighborhood to join in on the fun!

Inspired by Digital StoryTelling #etmooc number seven (Choose Your Own Adventure), I adapted the idea and invited my friends, none of whom I’ve ever met!…

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Adventures: A Choice #etmooc

I’ve been thinking about this “Choose your own adventure,” and “curating multiple paths to learning” that Ben Wilkoff suggests in his Learning is Change series.  My response is this:


Choose A Motivating Environment #etmooc from Sheri Edwards on Vimeo.…

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A Digital PLN Story #etmooc

Hang Out

How do you build a PLN? Take a risk. Be JoLLE: Join, Lurk, Learn, Extend.

In 2011 Denise Krebs and I began an adventure, and I am forever grateful for the friends and support that have been shared back and forth since then, and continues even now.…

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Digital Story Telling Poetry – A Project #etmooc

I’m behind ( need rhizome post) and ahead (digital storytelling) — racing like a turtle  and I can’t keep up, yet I add to the story with a segment from  past post from 2009 because of this encouraging post by Verena Roberts for next week’s digital storytelling #etmooc.…

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