
Created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app

Resilience. For yourself. For your students.

My friend Susan Spellman-Cann created the HaikuDeck and a blogpost, “Bent But Not Broken” to guide us in resilience.

She says, ” We need to see students as they should be and help them to see what they are capable of becoming.…

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UnFinal Reflection #etmooc #etmetc

<iframe src="" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" width="640" height="511"></iframe><a style="font-family: arial,sans-serif; font-size: 8pt;" href="">Created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app for iPad</a>

<iframe src="" width="640" height="511" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0"></iframe><a href="" style="font-family:arial,sans-serif; font-size:8pt;">Created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app for iPad</a>

How do you plan on staying connected to the people and the ideas?

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Digital Adventure Story-5 Slides-5 Artists-2 Stories #etmooc

We’re on our way to 5 adventure stories.

Enjoy our presentation (here’s how we started- Adventure Collaboration ).

Who are we? @gallit_z   @MsLHall   @lindapemik   @mrsdkrebs  @grammasheri

Imagine your own story as you flip through the slides 1-6. On slide seven (7), click one of the links to hear a story from these same slides, but rearranged for each author.…

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Week Two #etmooc Goals

Pretzel Art by Tony Stanczak, former student

Goals for #etmooc, reviewed:

As I embarked on this journey in #etmooc , I asked these questions:

  1. Given the access, technology, resources, and requirements available to me, how can I create a classroom world reflective of what my students need in the future that is theirs?
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Connect in the Middle #etmooc

Middle level educators have joined together through tweets (#midlevt), Diigo Group, and a wiki to find common ground and to explore and discover solutions to issues.

As we can, we take questions from our #etmooc experience and answer them according to our mid level focus:

How important is connected learning?…

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A Digital PLN Story #etmooc

Hang Out

How do you build a PLN? Take a risk. Be JoLLE: Join, Lurk, Learn, Extend.

In 2011 Denise Krebs and I began an adventure, and I am forever grateful for the friends and support that have been shared back and forth since then, and continues even now.…

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Digital Story Telling Poetry – A Project #etmooc

I’m behind ( need rhizome post) and ahead (digital storytelling) — racing like a turtle  and I can’t keep up, yet I add to the story with a segment from  past post from 2009 because of this encouraging post by Verena Roberts for next week’s digital storytelling #etmooc.…

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Art in the Middle #etmooc

Oh how I love this video introduction by Susan Angel. Her gentle words spill over into the artwork floating behind her story. This is what our schools should be about: exploring who we are and where our talents are. What fortunate students to have a school that finds art an important part of the curriculum!…

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Limited Tech: An Issue to Solve #etmooc

I remember when this was my only “good” computer; the rest were old snow iMacs. I started with Apple IIes, moved up to PowerPCs, then the jellybean iMacs and finally to snow and eMacs. There were never enough computers, but I’ve been geeking with students since 1999, thanks to the Bill and Melinda Gates Teacher Leadership Project that year.…

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Considering Issues and PLNs for Support #etmooc

I struggle with the issues of today’s education policies in the US. I know every teacher in my school is focused on our students’ learning. So all the negativity of “accountability”– degrades who they are, and they are wonderful teachers.

So I ask this:

Weather and Whether: education is more than tests; #etmooc from Sheri Edwards on Vimeo.…

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