
Created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app

Resilience. For yourself. For your students.

My friend Susan Spellman-Cann created the HaikuDeck and a blogpost, “Bent But Not Broken” to guide us in resilience.

She says, ” We need to see students as they should be and help them to see what they are capable of becoming.…

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A Twitter Idea #clmooc #etmooc #edquery #ce13

questionmarkblue This month, I’ve asked a few questions on Twitter — used hashtags and asked PLN. I really needed more than a few responses, and I know the Twitter PLN is an awesome place for answers. I’m wondering if we need an Education Query hashtag: #edquery

An #edquery hashtag would work like #comments4kids.…

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UnFinal Reflection #etmooc #etmetc

<iframe src="" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" width="640" height="511"></iframe><a style="font-family: arial,sans-serif; font-size: 8pt;" href="">Created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app for iPad</a>

<iframe src="" width="640" height="511" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0"></iframe><a href="" style="font-family:arial,sans-serif; font-size:8pt;">Created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app for iPad</a>

How do you plan on staying connected to the people and the ideas?

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Digital Literacies Education #etmooc


If you are connected to and participating in a personal learning network, then you understand the culture of today’s connected and public world. Perhaps you have created lessons and projects using Google Docs, a Wiki, or Twitter to collaborate with peers you have never met ( here and here and here ).…

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Week Two #etmooc Goals

Pretzel Art by Tony Stanczak, former student

Goals for #etmooc, reviewed:

As I embarked on this journey in #etmooc , I asked these questions:

  1. Given the access, technology, resources, and requirements available to me, how can I create a classroom world reflective of what my students need in the future that is theirs?
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Learn everywhere #etmooc #ceetopen popcorn

We learn everywhere…

In #etmooc and #ceetopen, we encourage collaborative learning by challenging each other to try building artifacts that demonstrate understanding.

Our #ceetopen participants (and my PLN buddies Scott Boylen and Denise Krebs ) recorded very short videos of where we learn and uploaded them to a dropbox from which a single movie was created.…

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Adventures: A Choice #etmooc

I’ve been thinking about this “Choose your own adventure,” and “curating multiple paths to learning” that Ben Wilkoff suggests in his Learning is Change series.  My response is this:


Choose A Motivating Environment #etmooc from Sheri Edwards on Vimeo.…

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A Digital PLN Story #etmooc

Hang Out

How do you build a PLN? Take a risk. Be JoLLE: Join, Lurk, Learn, Extend.

In 2011 Denise Krebs and I began an adventure, and I am forever grateful for the friends and support that have been shared back and forth since then, and continues even now.…

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Digital Story Telling Poetry – A Project #etmooc

I’m behind ( need rhizome post) and ahead (digital storytelling) — racing like a turtle  and I can’t keep up, yet I add to the story with a segment from  past post from 2009 because of this encouraging post by Verena Roberts for next week’s digital storytelling #etmooc.…

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