Week Two #etmooc Goals

Pretzel Art by Tony Stanczak, former student

Goals for #etmooc, reviewed:

As I embarked on this journey in #etmooc , I asked these questions:

  1. Given the access, technology, resources, and requirements available to me, how can I create a classroom world reflective of what my students need in the future that is theirs?
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A look back on Connecting

ABC Learning

I have been running a bit late and slow the past few days and have not written as much as I would have liked.  On the other hand I have been thinking and reading a considerable amount.  I don’t want to make this a long post on what I have learned as that would take forever (possibly) but I thought I would just mention a few things that I accomplished and have learned on ETMOOC though I often feel like the teddy bear back at the very beginning.

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The end of Week One – Wow.

It is Monday afternoon here in Guatemala City and outside my office our Elementary IT teacher is doing an excellent job of teaching a Grade 4 class about researching safely on the internet.  In my office, I am not quite that organized either on my desk or in my mind.  …

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Games-based Learning: Hunting and Planning


After talking with my boss (Head of Learning Resources) and with one of the school IT staff who is very supportive of games-based learning, we have decided to pursue setting up a Minecraft private server and beginning a small after-school group in the library next term.

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Games-based Learning: My PD goal for 2012

Video games by Caitlan Monahan

Video Games courtesy Caitlan Monahan Flickrcc

I’m a big fan of play – it is one of the most authentic, engaging, rewarding modes of learning.

My old school (primary) was heavily into play-based learning but now I work in a high school.…

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Setting goals with students

At the end of last term, June, I began to think that if I really want to work together with my learners, help them be motivated and committed to learning English, and above all, I believe we are a team, they need to be part of the design of the syllabus.

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Reeder’s Writings 2008-11-14 21:53:00

Like hundreds of other eager teachers out there, I have finally taken the leap and created my own blog in order to pursue my own professional development. In any new setting (including this one) I am always the quiet one at the back of the room taking everything in for awhile until I feel comfortable enough to take part.…

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