A look back on Connecting

ABC Learning

I have been running a bit late and slow the past few days and have not written as much as I would have liked.  On the other hand I have been thinking and reading a considerable amount.  I don’t want to make this a long post on what I have learned as that would take forever (possibly) but I thought I would just mention a few things that I accomplished and have learned on ETMOOC though I often feel like the teddy bear back at the very beginning.

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A Mouse goes Rebel

One of the areas that has really caught my eye since we began ETMOOC is curating.  I mentioned in the previous blog post that I had never really thought about curating but was going to investigate further.  Well, I have started that process and while I don’t know if my mind is any clearer on how I personally want to curate I have started to look at some of the tools that were mentioned in the Introduction to Social Curating session.…

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