A Brief Blog Buzzing with Bits and Bites

In the etmooc (Educational Technology Media Open Online Course), I have learned how to use some interesting sites where you can curate and collaborate with information.  This has been incredibly eye-opening, useful, and liberating.  I began by lurking, dabbled by retweeting, blabbed with tweeting, flirted with reviewing, buzzed on my blog, and now – with these exciting new sites – aspire to curate.…

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My MOOC Experiece: Etmooc

This has been an amazing journey. And I really wanted to sit down to see what I have learned or contributed during my time with etmooc. Well, please excuse me as I will discuss applications as they relate to concepts.…

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Digital Literacy/Literacies 101: Doug Belshaw and #etmooc

Let’s begin exploring our quickly changing ideas about digital literacy by noting the various skills required to engage in a contemporary online learning experience: a live session (now available in an online archived version) on digital literacy/literacies led by Doug Belshaw for #etmooc, the Educational Technology and Media MOOC (Massive/Massively Open Online Course) organized by University of Regina professor of educational technology and media Alec Couros and others.

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A look back on Connecting

ABC Learning

I have been running a bit late and slow the past few days and have not written as much as I would have liked.  On the other hand I have been thinking and reading a considerable amount.  I don’t want to make this a long post on what I have learned as that would take forever (possibly) but I thought I would just mention a few things that I accomplished and have learned on ETMOOC though I often feel like the teddy bear back at the very beginning.

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MOOCed into Learning via #etmooc

I’ve been MOOCed. And it’s not as if I could have avoided it. I knew, as soon as I began exploring the topic of massive online open courses (MOOCs) in November 2012 with colleagues on the New Media Consortium (NMC) Advisory Board for the 2013 Higher Education Edition of the Horizon Report, that it would only be a matter of time before I stepped into the vortex and was completely immersed in learning more about the topic.…

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Discover Diigo: A Tool for Annotating Webpage Content as You Read

Despite online journals and web articles replacing tangible textbooks, students still apply the same learning and research methods to text, or web content. Students read, collect information, take notes, and mark information sources on online content—and a company called Diigo has made the ideal tool (also called Diigo) to support students’ online research methods.…

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The More you Share the More you Learn


I recently commented on a post by Jeannine St. Amand on Connected Learning and What we share in the world and I feel the need to post my reply here and expand:

We cannot just skim along, we need to go back, reread, check on comments.…

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Learn. Create. Talk. #etmooc post #2


So I’m being pushed. 

I’ve been MIA on Twitter and G+ last year and a half due to many reasons. I don’t need to go into what those are, but I had made my decision after much thought. As I mentioned in my #etmooc intro video, my daily learning life changed since I started joining Twitter and building my PLN.…

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Getting Organized

At the beginning of last week I said to myself – what is a MOOC? Today I’m through my first week of ETMOOC and so far it’s going very well. What is a MOOC? I’ll let this video explain:

The resources organized on the ETMOOC blog were very helpful, but most helpful was the second part to the previous video by Dave Cormier entitled Success in a MOOC.…

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The end of Week One – Wow.

It is Monday afternoon here in Guatemala City and outside my office our Elementary IT teacher is doing an excellent job of teaching a Grade 4 class about researching safely on the internet.  In my office, I am not quite that organized either on my desk or in my mind.  …

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