#etmooc and #lrnchat: When Communities of Learning Discuss Community—and Produce Results

There was no need this week to read yet another book or article on how to effectively create and nurture great communities. Participating in live online sessions with colleagues in two wonderful communities of learning (#etmooc, using the #etmchat hashtag and a Google+ community for online exchanges, and #lrnchat) provided experiential learning opportunities among those trainer-teacher-learners: participating in discussions to explore what makes our communities attractive or unattractive, and contributing to the conversations in ways that produced immediate results, e.g.,…

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Curation – Professional Learning Project – Part 2

Stacia Johnson and I have been learning independently and working together to formulate an understanding and practical knowledge of curation and curation platforms.  I ended my last post with these thoughts.

What are my next steps?  How will I engage myself in my inquiry?  

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#ETMOOC Considerazioni finali

#ETMOOC 2013 è arrivato a destinazione, è giunto il momento di fare un bilancio dell’esperienza complessiva valutando gli apprendimenti e riflettendo su quanto è stato particolarmente significativo.

La prima considerazione riguarda l’atteggiamento che ho avuto nei confronti di questo mooc. Rispetto ai precedenti ritengo di aver agito con maggiore indipendenza avendo convogliato l’attenzione principalmente verso quegli stimoli e quelle proposte che più mi hanno coinvolto, avendo permesso il perseguimento degli obiettivi inizialmente individuati e, al contempo, e  le opportunità  di un apprendimento generato dalle immancabili sorprese che un cMooc solitamente riserva.…

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A Brief Blog Buzzing with Bits and Bites

In the etmooc (Educational Technology Media Open Online Course), I have learned how to use some interesting sites where you can curate and collaborate with information.  This has been incredibly eye-opening, useful, and liberating.  I began by lurking, dabbled by retweeting, blabbed with tweeting, flirted with reviewing, buzzed on my blog, and now – with these exciting new sites – aspire to curate.…

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My Twitter Tottering (aka “learning”)

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Digital Storytelling, part II

Digital storytelling is not just about fictional narratives. It is also about using the tools to curate a story for a particular audience and purpose. Storify is one tool that enables you to set a topic and then pull tweets, images, and video to you that fit your criteria.
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#lovestory: Digital Storytelling project #1


I wanted to do something with social media – something that could have had a bot with a clever algorithm create. I decided to use Storify to create a love story based on hashtagged key words in a relationship (#lonely_#crush_#flirt_#kiss_#lust_#love_#jealously_#heartbreak_#alone)
[View the story “#lovestory” on Storify]

Filed under: etmooc Tagged: digital storytelling, etmooc, hashtag, project, social media, Storify

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#etmooc. Esiti della seconda settimana

In questo post mi propongo di riflettere su cosa ho imparato e come ho imparato nel corso della seconda settimana di #etmooc, ritenendo che la condivisione possa costituire una risposta /commento. Mi auguro che sia interpretata come una conferma della validità delle proposte.…

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