Curation – Professional Learning Project – Part 2

Stacia Johnson and I have been learning independently and working together to formulate an understanding and practical knowledge of curation and curation platforms.  I ended my last post with these thoughts.

What are my next steps?  How will I engage myself in my inquiry?  

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Curation: Professional Learning Project

Along with Stacia Johnson @staciajo33, we are exploring our love of information in new and exciting ways.  You can see her journey and insights on her blog.

I’ve always been a gatherer of information.  I’ve always enjoyed sharing what I know, sometimes randomly and sometimes purposefully.  …

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Curated Learning Networks

Slide Deck:

Created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app for iPad

Web Application Links:

Advanced Searching Techniques:

  • site: or
  • filter:links (on Twitter)
  • filetype:pdf
  • Use Quotations whenever possible

Conversation Links:


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Over the last few weeks of reading ETMOOC posts I’ve noticed that sometimes I leave a post open in a browser tab for days.  These posts-to-return-to-when-I-have-more-time exhibit a common feature – many of them contain infographics or interesting visual representations. In an activity like ETMOOC numerous open tabs is not a viable solution, so I decided to curate.…

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With a little bit of help from my friends

Last week I posted a curation workflow diagram which received a lot of positive comments from people inside the #etmooc community and outside:

gliffy linkedin

I was amazed and delighted by this response, and I think it is a good example of the power of connected learning.…

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Leveraging for Legacy


image: my student, Sam St. John

I’ve been really enjoying participating in #etmooc, and the last Blackboard session with Alec got me thinking of connectivism again. Each year I have my IB Theory of Knowledge students read “Knowing Knowledge” by George Siemens (2006)

KnowingKnowledge_LowRes (1)

Last year we had a lively socratic circle activity with a Twitter backchannel, but this year I decided to include the reading and obligatory reflection in their semester exam.…

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content curation and mismatching socks

As anybody that knows me would tell you, I am a very disorganized person. I ten to leave all my documents (passports, ID, etc)  in a drawer (ok, but which one?), spare photocopies all piled up in a very old box which looks like about to explode at any time, bank notes and coins all over the place (pockets, on tables, inside books…).…

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Getting Organized

At the beginning of last week I said to myself – what is a MOOC? Today I’m through my first week of ETMOOC and so far it’s going very well. What is a MOOC? I’ll let this video explain:

The resources organized on the ETMOOC blog were very helpful, but most helpful was the second part to the previous video by Dave Cormier entitled Success in a MOOC.…

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Social Bookmarking vs Content Curation

I just finished watching the archive of “Introduction to Social Curation.”  The session opened my eyes to yet another reason why the development of a PLN is important and why it is so important to ‘give back’ or ‘pay it forward.’ …

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