Hot GIF Kool-Aid’s Ready! Drink Up!

GIFing and ds106 has changed my life forever! Last week in the cult, I mixed up some sweet GIF kool-aid, and served it to other cult members! Fascinated with the concept of the GIF, I called on our ds106 cult to go on an adventure!
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Changing Landscapes: Teachers As Knowmads Part 1


 “Rider” photo credit: h.koppdelaney via photopin cc

Over spring break I happened to come across a Tweet on my Twitter stream about an interesting book to check out (Knowmad Society). Little did I know that I wouldn’t be able to put this book down until I had finished it.…

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Digital Identity: The Big Bad Web & Why It Needs You Part 1

Before you read through this post try one thing:  Google yourself. What do you see? Do you like what you see? For some of you that will have been an eye-opening experience for others you already knew what to expect.…

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MOOCs are Not the Enemy. Sorta.

So. I stood up in front of a whole room of academics and theorists and grad students with funky glasses this weekend and said the word “MOOC.” And nobody threw a single tomato, which surprised me.

My presentation for Theorizing the Web 13 at CUNY was entitled “MOOCs are Not the Enemy: Networked, Non-Imperialist MOOC models.”

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A #SixWordStory About Real-Life Superheroes!

Okay, so I’m quickly discovering that this digital storytelling topic is going to be full of fun! I love to create, especially when it involves imagery and storytelling. Yesterday, I saw this tweet retweeted in my stream and thought it was the perfect inspiration for a new #sixwordstory.…

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“The Danger of the Single Story” About Digital Immigrants and Natives

EDC MOOC Week 1 Reading “Digital Immigrants, Digital Natives”: Prensky warns ‘immigrant’ teachers that they face irrelevance unless they figure out how to adapt their methods and approaches to new generations of learners. When reading this paper, try to identify the strategies that Prensky uses to make his argument – how does the language he uses work to persuade the reader?
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Connected Learning: Getting Beyond Technological Determinism

Life lately has felt like one of those dreams where you’re in a cab with your third-grade teacher on the way to a conference presentation you forgot to prepare for and then suddenly the cab morphs into a giant recycling plant and everything is spinning and…


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Leveraging for Legacy


image: my student, Sam St. John

I’ve been really enjoying participating in #etmooc, and the last Blackboard session with Alec got me thinking of connectivism again. Each year I have my IB Theory of Knowledge students read “Knowing Knowledge” by George Siemens (2006)

KnowingKnowledge_LowRes (1)

Last year we had a lively socratic circle activity with a Twitter backchannel, but this year I decided to include the reading and obligatory reflection in their semester exam.…

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Is there such a thing as too much space?

Over the last days preparing for the start of #edcmooc I, along with MANY others, have been overwhelmed with the share number of spaces for connection and learning. In the last 3 days I have come to be aware of at least 20 new spaces I had never even heard of and feeling the pressure (whether that is environmental or a mental script I’m not sure) to engage in some spaces that previously I had avoided.…

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On August 31 nearly 1000 teachers from this District gathered in one place for a day of learning together.  As Chair of the District Education Council I am invited to speak for a few minutes at the beginning of the day.  …

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