Hot GIF Kool-Aid’s Ready! Drink Up!

GIFing and ds106 has changed my life forever! Last week in the cult, I mixed up some sweet GIF kool-aid, and served it to other cult members! Fascinated with the concept of the GIF, I called on our ds106 cult to go on an adventure!
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“Frainge Days Indeed!”

Last night after I got tattooed, I wrote my first post for #ds106 and was thrilled to find my first comment was from Alan Levine, who is really not our teacher …no one heads the course…but there are some very present masterminds behind all of this experimental DIY learning!
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The Revolving Door of Technology in Education


Let’s keep this relatively short and simple shall we? I’ve spent just a month shy of 10 years in education, and I feel as though some days I know just about as much as I did on day one in the teaching field.…

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Warning: Under Construction … for the next several years

What is #ETMOOC

Time has flown by once again and #etmooc is coming to an end. When I first started to read the posts and tweets about the course ending, I thought, “Wait, already!? No, not yet!” I couldn’t believe we had reached the last week, which meant it was time for closing thoughts and reflections.…

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“We’re looking for half seconds to excerpt”

– so ends this intriguing Wired article, “The Animated GIF: Still Looping After All These Years”

I’ve been pondering GIFS and other short bursts of content for the past few weeks, particularly since the illustrious Jim Groom “gave good GIF” in an #etmooc presentation a couple of weeks ago.

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Bringing Stories to Life – Digitally!

ds tools

Last week, I spent the majority of my #etmooc time trying new digital storytelling tools (GIFs, Flip Books, Visual Poetry5 Card Flickr) and posting about my explorations and learnings. This week, I wanted to hold off testing more tools (PopcornMaker, Inklewriter & Stop Motion are high on my list!)…

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The GIF and Digital Storytelling: Look and look again!

In keeping with the #ETMOOC topic of Digital Storytelling, I have spent a few days experimenting with apps and programs that help to tell a story or share an experience. However, as I start this blog, I find myself lacking digital stories I am able or willing to share.…

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Digital Storytelling … part 1

Topic 2 in etmooc is digital storytelling. This is another one of those terms that crops up and gets thrown around, yet it is an apt moniker that highlights some of the affordances of digital technology for learning. The digital, of course, just highlights the medium used to create & tell the story.…

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