‘MOOCing’ My Way in 2013: My #ETMOOC Anniversary Blog

Photo Credit: penbentley via Compfight cc
Photo Credit: penbentley via Compfightcc

Reading Rhonda Jessen’s wonderfully reflective anniversary blog has spurred me on to write the final #etmooc blog that never came to fruition, despite a tremendous desire to write and my immense guilt at not doing so.…

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Staying the Course: Connections, Reciprocity, and the Web

Trying to sum up my experience in #ETMOOC is an impossible task. How does one begin to put into words that which is felt by the heart? Furthermore, how can a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) bring about such a feeling?…

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Through the Noise: Balance in a Digital World


Photo Credit: giulia.forsythe via Compfight cc

When thinking about balance in a digital world, three questions come to mind: Why is balance necessary, how do we demonstrate or measure it, and are educators modelling, achieving, and accepting it? These questions, I believe, are vital in determining how successful we will be in navigating the digital world – educationally, socially, and emotionally.…

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Is Privacy for the Privileged?

My #ETMOOC reflections of the week

This week’s #ETMOOC discussion asked, “Who owns our student/education data” and what is happening to our personal data when we use apps, search engines, etc.?  Also, why does this matter, and what should we be doing to ‘protect’ our data?…

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The GIF and Digital Storytelling: Look and look again!

In keeping with the #ETMOOC topic of Digital Storytelling, I have spent a few days experimenting with apps and programs that help to tell a story or share an experience. However, as I start this blog, I find myself lacking digital stories I am able or willing to share.…

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Digital Storytelling

Five Card Story: The Threads of Our Life

a Five Card Flickr story created by The Online Teacher

The light at the end of the tunnel can sometimes seem distant.

flickr photo by bionicteaching

However, if we build connections,

flickr photo by Serenae

The seeds of hope may flourish,

flickr photo by Serenae

And we may be nourished and enriched,

flickr photo by bionicteaching

Thereby finding the support to get back in the game.

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