
Last week Coursera announced an educational partnership with Discovery Communications  to offer Coursera MOOCs via their new web portal  As noted in the press release, Discovery Communications is the parent company for both The Discovery Channel and Animal Planet:

We’re excited at the potential of

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the contrary flâneuse: learning time, spinning heads

the contrary flâneuse: learning time, spinning heads:

…or learning & time travel? Can I shoehorn this into an #introphil post? Tangle a few roots? Time, mind, post/transhuman (or was that another course?), learning, and identity too, for good measure.  Who am I?…

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MOOCs are Not the Enemy. Sorta.

So. I stood up in front of a whole room of academics and theorists and grad students with funky glasses this weekend and said the word “MOOC.” And nobody threw a single tomato, which surprised me.

My presentation for Theorizing the Web 13 at CUNY was entitled “MOOCs are Not the Enemy: Networked, Non-Imperialist MOOC models.”

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Framing my #edcmooc artefact

"Beyond access and cost: a primary benefit of open education insofar as it is not merely open but opening, is the opportunity for networked transcontextualism. A planetary double-take."Gardner Campbell, Open Ed'12

“Beyond access and cost: a primary benefit of open education insofar as it is not merely open but opening, is the opportunity for networked transcontextualism. A planetary double-take.”
Gardner Campbell, Open Ed’12

Very unlike myself (a prolific starter and a rather feeble finisher) I managed to submit my digital artefact for “final assessment” in the #edcmooc.…

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On how #edcmooc did a cmooc on Coursera

By demonstrating that you could build a very “open” course on Coursera, the University of Edinburgh team in charge of E-learning and Digital Cultures succeeded in breaking down some walls between the large-scale free course (called xMOOC by some critics) and the cMOOC connectivist learn-fest.…

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This isn’t summer camp

…doesn’t look much like MOOC Madness either but is central, at ;east to my perspective and that of the many without reliable. affordable high speed access. The assumption that goes with most ed tech ventures either presumes everyone has it or willfully ignores the reality that they do not.

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How Life is Like Dinner Theatre: On Embracing Participatory Culture

First watch this:

This was indeed life not too long ago. Until, perhaps, the “YOU” was inserted as a prefix to “TUBE”, among other advances.

In the ’80s, I recall watching Videodrome, primarily because my New Wave idol Deborah Harry of Blondie was starring.…

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“Digital Life”: an augmented music video parody #edcmooc final artifact

For the final assessment task in the “E-Learning and Digital Cultures” MOOC (#etmooc) we were asked to, in the form of a digital artifact/artefact

“express a question, an idea, a problem, a hope, a worry or a provocation that the course has raised for you.

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Pinching my digital networked learning self

large_2932097858This week’s topic in #edcmooc is “reasserting the human” – a look at various responses to the apparent threat to humanity posed by the ever-increasing presence (intrusion?) of technology. It’s an interesting setup; forcing a debate on what, in fact, does it mean to be human?…

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