There is no Open in MOOC

Coursera’s announcement to add Specializations to its roster of educational packages comes with a new price in many cases, as noted in Carl Straumsheim’s 1/29 piece at Inside Higher Ed.

To sign up for Michigan State University’s How to Start Your Own Business, for example, budding entrepreneurs have to pay $79 up front for the first of five courses in the Specialization or prepay $474 for the entire program.

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Framing my #edcmooc artefact

"Beyond access and cost: a primary benefit of open education insofar as it is not merely open but opening, is the opportunity for networked transcontextualism. A planetary double-take."Gardner Campbell, Open Ed'12

“Beyond access and cost: a primary benefit of open education insofar as it is not merely open but opening, is the opportunity for networked transcontextualism. A planetary double-take.”
Gardner Campbell, Open Ed’12

Very unlike myself (a prolific starter and a rather feeble finisher) I managed to submit my digital artefact for “final assessment” in the #edcmooc.…

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Trying to be humble but seriously people..someone liked my post!

I have to admit that it is pretty cool when someone you don’t know appreciates your thoughts. Rhonda Jessen, a fellow etmmoc participant,  posted “Rhizomatic Learning–Thanks to my Weak Links” and referenced my “Like Bamboo” post. I don’t even know how I came across the post–something called a trackback/pingback. …

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