My first gif (in a very long while!)

Well I believe I have done it. I have created my first ever animated gif for DS106 ( a very easy one I admit.) Once upon a time, there was program called Fireworks that I did know how to use, but Macromedia was eaten up by Adobe and it disappeared.…

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Stereogranimator: Makin’ GIFs With Some Old School Pics

A stereogram courtesy of the Boston Public Library:

A stereogram courtesy of the Boston Public Library:

The New York Public Library recently introduced one of the niftiest tools I’ve seen on the web in a while. It allows you to take “stereograms“, those side-by-side images that look almost exactly the same and when viewed together create a sense of depth, and turn them into animated GIFs.…

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My MOOC Experiece: Etmooc

This has been an amazing journey. And I really wanted to sit down to see what I have learned or contributed during my time with etmooc. Well, please excuse me as I will discuss applications as they relate to concepts.…

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Framing my #edcmooc artefact

"Beyond access and cost: a primary benefit of open education insofar as it is not merely open but opening, is the opportunity for networked transcontextualism. A planetary double-take."Gardner Campbell, Open Ed'12

“Beyond access and cost: a primary benefit of open education insofar as it is not merely open but opening, is the opportunity for networked transcontextualism. A planetary double-take.”
Gardner Campbell, Open Ed’12

Very unlike myself (a prolific starter and a rather feeble finisher) I managed to submit my digital artefact for “final assessment” in the #edcmooc.…

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Making GIFs makes me feel like …


Just watched the GIF Variety Show for #etmooc and felt inspired to make this. I call it How Making GIFs Makes Me Feel. Brent DanceBased on this clip from the British version of The Office, and created using PwnYouTube, MPEG Streamclip and Photoshop’s Animate feature.…

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Animated Gif’s are Fun!

Well, I guess I need to increase my twitter followers. In asking a question about animated gif maker’s, not much response, but no worries, I found myself on a great journey. Don’t get me wrong, I love gimp and photoshop but I knew some application must have already been created to help me with this goal.…

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