#ETMOOC is an opportunity. The very worst thing that could happen to you if you join #ETMOOC is that you could learn a few new things, and connect with a few new learners, like yourself.
It’s free.
It is not evaluative.
It is open and supportive.
(And some of the coolest educators in the world are hanging out there for the next few months).
So what is #ETMOOC?
Let’s start with the MOOC part.
MOOC = Massive Open Online Course. Don’t let that word “massive” scare you. Or, for that matter, don’t let the word “course” scare you. This is nothing like other “courses” your have “taken”.
When you hear “course”, no doubt you think “work”, “boring”, “drudgery”, “marks”, “assignments”. No wonder “course” turns you off!
[Replace “course” in that last bit with “school” and think like a student for a minute. But then that takes us to a whole other conversation….]
What if the first thing that came to mind when you heard the word “course” was “learning”? Because a MOOC is about learning – your learning.
If you are an Ontario teacher, the concept of self-directed learning is not new to you (!). I know that many times I have been in a place where I want to learn, but I just don’t know where to start.
Many people working in the education sector are exactly in that place when it comes to technology.
So here is what a MOOC can do for you. Think of a MOOC as a structured opportunity to learn. Some wonderful leader – or many – creates a course structure, publishes it, and then you can partake in the parts that interest you, or the parts that fit into your already hectic life. Nobody is taking attendance, and nobody is “marking your work”. Can’t participate this week? No problem. Hook back up with us next time you can. You literally get out of it what you put into it.
There are hundreds and hundreds, maybe even thousands, of MOOCs available to you right now. Last week, when working with my IT guy on creating a tinkering room for our students, he said to me, “Oh, I learned that in a MOOC I did last summer”. See? Your friends and colleagues might be doing MOOCs and you don’t even know about it!
I have done two MOOCs over the last two years. The #Change11 MOOC that drew in many Canadians just won’t die, because the other beautiful thing about MOOCs is that “M”, the “massive”. This is no tiny class. There is really no limit to how many people can learn in a MOOC, so the connections that are forged don’t just go away when the course is over. We build communities in social media and continue to learn together long after anyone is providing the structure for us.
So back to #ETMOOC. This MOOC is about to begin, but you can still join in. This MOOC is all about educational technology and media, so if you feel like the world of edtech is passing you by, and you can’t figure out how to jump on the train, consider this your stop. No ticket required – just hop aboard now. There is nothing to lose, and a world of connected learners out there ready to support you and learn with you over the next three months.
I look forward to learning with you!
Topics & Schedule
The 2013 tentative schedule of topics is found below. More detailed information will be provided soon, including exact dates and connection information. Each topic is 2 weeks long so that there is adequate attention and depth.
- Welcome (Jan 13-19): Welcome Event & Orientation to #etmooc
- Topic 1 (Jan 20-Feb. 2): Connected Learning – Tools, Processes & Pedagogy
- Topic 2 (Feb 3-16): Digital Storytelling – Multimedia, Remixes & Mashups
- Topic 3 (Feb 17-Mar 2): Digital Literacy – Information, Memes & Attention
- Topic 4 (Mar 3-16): The Open Movement – Open Access, OERs & Future of Ed.
- Topic 5 (Mar 17-30): Digital Citizenship – Identity, Footprint, & Social Activism