Etmooc 3 Year Anniversary Celebration

On January 20th we celebrated the 3rd anniversary of the Open and Connected Learning Mooc (etmooc) and launched the Mario Couros Memorial Bursary.

Susan hosted the conversation on Zoom which was a new video conferencing program for most participants.…

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Etmooc’s Impact

The 3 year #etmooc anniversary celebration is tomorrow night and as I have been helping prepare for it I’ve been thinking about (and asking others about) #etmooc’s impact.

How can you measure the impact a learning experience has had, especially a connectivist experience?…

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Internet Friends

It’s worth the six minutes necessary to watch the reflections from this young person as she discusses the biases and stigmas we often hear related to acquiring and maintaining Internet friendships. Much of her monologue relates well to the development of personal learning environments and Jurgenson’s notion of “digital dualism”.…

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#clmooc #lightandshadow

I’ve been missing Kim’s Friday Photos. I wondered where I would find light and shadows in my yard. The day is cool and crisp today but the sun is bright, peeking over the edge of hill across the river, illuminating the blossoms on our pear tree.…

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ETMooc 2nd Year Anniversary

Tomorrow PostEtmooc is holding the 2nd anniversary #etmooc Twitter chat. Alec Couros will be hosting and I’ll be taking wing with Susan Spellman Cann, Erin Luong, Paul Signorelli, Karen Young and Christina Hendricks. I can’t think of a better group to co-host a Twitter chat with, or a better topic.…

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#140WC Welcome Challenge #clmooc #etmooc

A Challenge On November 10th, 2014 I made a commitment to myself and invited others to join — teachers, students, bloggers. The commitment? Write 140 words each day — 140 words more or less — but write — blog — everyday.  …

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The Case of Etmooc

Topic 5 of Connected Courses started this week, we will be exploring co-learning for the next two weeks. Topic 5 is being hosted by Howard Rheingold, Alec Couros and Mia Zamora. The first synchronous event was a hangout with Howard, Alec and Mia and some of the many #etmooc alumni who still connect and collaborate on a regular basis.…

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cMooc Stories

Wednesday was the start of The Open and Connected Learning Mooc and our entry event was a joint event with the PostEtmooc Community. I hosted a hangout with the PostEtmooc community where they shared their experiences and advice for participating in a cMooc.…

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#ce14 #clmooc #etmooc Student Agency

How do we help students develop the insight and initiative to be life-long, productive learners contributing to a better world? How do we develop student agency? We know that motivation comes from a desire to learn, a purpose, an authentic interest, and a belief that success is possible.…

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Created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app

Resilience. For yourself. For your students.

My friend Susan Spellman-Cann created the HaikuDeck and a blogpost, “Bent But Not Broken” to guide us in resilience.

She says, ” We need to see students as they should be and help them to see what they are capable of becoming.…

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