The Case of Etmooc

Topic 5 of Connected Courses started this week, we will be exploring co-learning for the next two weeks. Topic 5 is being hosted by Howard Rheingold, Alec Couros and Mia Zamora. The first synchronous event was a hangout with Howard, Alec and Mia and some of the many #etmooc alumni who still connect and collaborate on a regular basis.…

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cMooc Stories

Wednesday was the start of The Open and Connected Learning Mooc and our entry event was a joint event with the PostEtmooc Community. I hosted a hangout with the PostEtmooc community where they shared their experiences and advice for participating in a cMooc.…

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Hanging out with Shelly Terrell For 30 Goals Challenge

On September 11th Shelly terrell interviewed me for the 30 Goals Challenge. This is the recording:

These are some reflections after hanging out:

What is the purpose of learning?
How do people learn?
What does teaching mean to you?
Who inspires you?…

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