Another fine 23 Things to get into


Last week after our DS106 Good Spell broadcast Mariana told me about 23 Things. This looks like an interesting course for Edinburgh University students, staff and anyone with access to the internet.

I had a quick look at the list of things covered in the course 23 Things List – 23 Things.…

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Always on (them): Digital and Social Media use in Education #DigitalUWS


On Thursday I attended the Always on (them): Digital and Social Media use in Education event at the University of the West of Scotland. This was organised by Professor David McGillivary.

I only stayed for the morning as I had to get back to run a twilight course.…

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Silent on Twitter about my job search

I use Twitter. A lot. It’s my daily, hourly,…, continuous source of information, professional development, and support, and a place where I can give back to the communities that support me when I need it.

I advocate

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Bringing the World into the Classroom with Twitter

At TCIS we have adopted Schoology as our primary tool of communication. We have adopted Schoology Groups as a type of blogging format, albeit basic, it is working well. This is however restricted to our immediate school community. What about the big wide world?
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Portraits of #CIRTL15

I had the pleasure of attending the CIRTL Network‘s conference, “Preparing the Future STEM Faculty for the Rapidly Changing Landscape of Higher Education” at Texas A&M in College Station, TX on April 12 – 14, 2015.

It was a great meeting with a lively Twitter backchannel using hashtag #CIRTL15.…

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Jab, Jab, Jab

Creating a Knock-Out Facebook Ad

Gary Vaynerchuk is New York Times best selling author. His latest golden glove is titled Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook. It is a real knock-out as it tells you how to effectively tell your company’s story in a noisy social media world.…

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Like it or not

Being Smart at Social Media

Students engaged in learning about how to be smart using social media.

Students engaged in learning about how to be smart using social media.

The 9th and 10th grade Retail Marketing & Sales students at DCTS were following every word spoken by Monica Helt, Admissions H.S. Rep for McCann School of Business & Technology.…

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Let the dinosaurs die and the lurkers lurk. Insights on seeding adoption of enterprise social networks.

MSLOC 430 tweet chat

Learning & Organizational Change graduate students in the thick of a class sponsored Twitter chat.

On Thursday, Feb. 27, my class of graduate students from the Master of Science in Learning & Organizational Change program at Northwestern University organized a Twitter chat to explore the following: What tactics have proved effective in seeding the adoption of social collaboration technology, considering the variety of organizational and work contexts out there.

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