Don’t even waste the 19 seconds that this screencast takes, just head over to WhaleSynth – A Unique Musical Experience and make some whale sounds. Via kottke. Lovely in many ways.…
Tag Archives: enviable stuff
Reading: @dajbelshaw The Importance of Working ‘Open’ in Education
I am enjoying reading The Importance of Working ‘Open’ in Education from @dajbelshaw except for the mullet analogy, some of us lived through the 80s.
I like Instagram but..
I’ve seen this linked a few times recently, finally clicked.
…– […] we may keep, use and share your personal information with companies connected with Instagram. This information includes your name, email address, school, where you live, pictures, phone number, your likes and dislikes, where you go, who your friends are, how often you use Instagram, and any other personal information we find such as your birthday or who you are chatting with, including in private messages (DMs).
Vote with your light switch
…Intervision, the 70s Soviet answer to the Eurovision Song Contest, was judge by electricity grid voting: “those watching at home had to turn their lights on when they liked a song and off when they didn’t, with data from the electricity network then being used to allocate points.”
Digital Curiosity
maybe, in concert with an emphasis on making and collaborating and bug reporting and embracing other values of the open web, individuals can help reorient the cultural attitude toward technology away from entanglement and back to a place of enlightenment.
The Age of Entanglement – The Atlantic
Interesting Article.…
Software Choices
…Now forget about the algorithm that brought this here and focus instead on the card. Every decision on this card is maximized to keep you on Facebook. So, for example, my name is bold and blue and prominent. The headline is also prominent, and Facebook pulls the description from the page so that the Facebook reader can read a summary of an article without going to the article.
Be Nice
- They comment on other people’s posts.
- They like other people’s posts.
- They share them.
- They…
from: What do nice Internet users do?
Click through to see all 12 points from Dave Winer who should know, having blogged as long than anyone.…
Recommended Read: ChromeStead
ChromeStead is a really interesting blog from Guy Shearer who is head of IT and data at David Ross Eduction Trust, which I think is a private school.
From the title you would think it was all Google and chromebooks but the schools seems to use a mix of Google Apps, O365 and other products.…
Open expression
…Top / Featured Image: A mashup of many random Monopoly game parts found on The Google (images search). Most were not openly licensed, and I freely admit taking them to remix into something new and commercially unviable. I am so guilty of theft.
Can You Share the Link, Please – Read Write Respond
…In regards to sharing openly, Doug Belshaw recommend s creating a canonical URL. The intent is to provide a starting point for people to engage with and build upon your work and ideas. This could be one space in which to share everything or you could have a separate link for each project.