I like Instagram but..

I’ve seen this linked a few times recently, finally clicked.

– […] we may keep, use and share your personal information with companies connected with Instagram. This information includes your name, email address, school, where you live, pictures, phone number, your likes and dislikes, where you go, who your friends are, how often you use Instagram, and any other personal information we find such as your birthday or who you are chatting with, including in private messages (DMs).

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Turning off some Google juice, back to thing 4


Although I’ve not been blogging about all of the 23 things, I’ve though a little about most of them. This item from my feed reader:

Google Has Quietly Dropped Ban on Personally Identifiable Web Tracking – ProPublica got me thinking more about thing 4 digital security

To opt-out of Google’s identified tracking, visit the Activity controls on Google’s My Account page, and uncheck the box next to “Include Chrome browsing history and activity from websites and apps that use Google services.”

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Draftback amazing document playback

Draftback is a Chrome extension that lets you play back any Google Doc’s revision history (for docs you can edit). It’s like going back in time to look over your own shoulder as you write.

from: Get Draftback to Play Back Google Docs

The above is not a video but an embed from Draftback!…

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Clearer Skies Ahead


(CC BY 2.0) eldh

Recently, during an online conversation about the existence of a generational divide in the Twitterverse, @d_mulder expressed interest in what I was doing with Twitter for my students. The honest answer? Not much. I’ll elaborate.

This semester I polled 50 students (grades 11 and 12) about their use of Facebook and Twitter.…

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Tell me EVERYTHING about you: What’s next in #QuantifiedSelf?

Tell me EVERYTHING about you: What’s next in #QuantifiedSelf?:

…#clmooc reflection, interrupted. I’m guessing the Quantified Self, besides not having much privacy, may be less inclined to reflect and more restricted in opportunities. Can biometrics measure and identify a reflective state, if indeed the markers are uniform across the population?…

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#etmooc #ltis13 Mappa: sorveglianza, intercettazioni, attacchi mirati

Propongo una mappa su  un tema quanto mai attuale come si evince dagli articoli di oggi pubblicati da


Cliccare su «Sorveglianza intercettazioni e attacchi mirati» per accedere alla mappa.…

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#etmooc #ltis13 Autoprotezione

Da quando Ginevra è entrata nella mia vita, 30 marzo 2013, i ritmi delle mie giornate sono mutati, dedicati a coccole, giochi e passeggiate. Di conseguenza la mia connessione alla rete si è drasticamente ridotta; a farne le spese è soprattutto questo blog, non così il mio album su flickr dove ho creato un set interamente dedicato alla cagnetta.

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#etmooc, #ltis13, Dovere civico

Dalla Newsletter Radio3 che mi è arrivata or ora estrapolo e condivido volentieri


RADIO3SCIENZA la pagina dove saranno disponibili i podcast delle puntate.


Incuriosita, cerco informazioni su Arturo Filastò e sui suoi interessi; trovo questo video del 2012  la cui visione consiglio nella sua interezza, tuttavia specifico l’intervento di Filastò ==> 38:53 sul GlobalLeaks,

Dal sito dell’organizzazione ricavo «[… ] Organizzazioni di attivisti non governative e informali possono creare siti di denuncia indipendenti e promuoverli.…

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Our Right to Forget and Be Forgotten

By Giulia Forsythe

By Giulia Forsythe

I watched the last ETMOOC Topic 3 Digital Literacy – Information, Memes & Attention webinar “Who Owns Your Education Data? (and Why does it matter?) by Audrey Watters last night. Audrey opened the session by saying that she hoped to drop a few ‘THOUGHT BOMBS‘ in our heads about who owns our data.…

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